Saturday, September 19, 2009

Colour Lovers Blog

I Recently came across this blog, Colour Lovers and I'm really blown away.  I have so much trouble with finding interesting color combinations.  I really need to spend more time studying color and getting it down properly.  This is going to be a huge help to me and hopefully I can get a better grasp for how to make a proper color scheme in the future.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Good Visuals

I really think this is a wonderful visual translation of music.

Skate Frames

Made these in 8th Grade... 9 years ago.
Cutting board, Razors HBlock, Hardwood from an old kitchen table.
6mm axels, 8mm supports.
These worked surprisingly well for an entire winter back in 2001.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Insight as to why I am the way that I am..

I feel like the toys we play with as a kid probably shape a lot of how we will turn out as "adults."  Toys I remember vividly are Food Fighters (seen above) and Monsters in my Pocket
I'm not really sure what it all means, or why I relate the two lines.  But I guess they are similar in their lack of functionality, popularity, over the top sculpts, and collectibility.  So strange...
In addition to these to I did collect Swamp Thing and Bucky O'Hare but i'll save those topics for a later post..

I was always really bothered by the big hands on this one... and the dress.

This guy could hang on things easily..

Through my searches I was able to find Virtual Toy Chest to get all these images... awesome!