Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Graffiti Toys!

...Really? Graffiti isn't some Do-it-Yourself craft kit.... Or is it!!

Learn how to bomb like a real pro with this sweet ass kit! I can't believe how much money was put into this dumb idea, it's a nicely executed "themed" craft kit... but really?! People hate graffiti until they figure out how to make money off of it.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Eric Koston off Lakai?!

I know I totally slept on this but I had no clue! Went to SB also... I really wish they would just let the real skateboard companies keep making all the skate shoes.

At least it seems like Lakai took it well, and it was a "mutual" thing.

taken from hypebeast i found this article where Eric is quoted saying...

"I’m sure many people know that a lot of different Nike’s have been the inspiration for my shoe designs over the last 12 years, so I feel like a fucking kid in a candy store when it comes to this partnership between Nike and I"

and.. you can't argue with that one.. his Kost One was just a Nike Court Force Low... oh well!

Three wheeled motorcycle

I'm at a sort of benchmark for my current project in my transportation design class. These are some side views that lead up to the start of my final colored model for this semester. This is an ongoing design process and these were a few overlays I did adjusting certain parts of my design to arrive at my current benchmark, seen at the bottom.

The class is taught by Ben Hopson and really is amazing so far.

I'll get some more views up later but it's basically a motorcycle with two wheels up front for added stability and coolness.

Problems with Education

I had a lot of trouble in school growing up.  Being "educated" the standard way just really didn't work for me and I got in trouble a lot because of it.  This is pretty interesting to hear and I hope something could even be done about it.

Cross Country Snowboarding

"This is an outsider sport, and.. it's an outside sport of an outside sport, snowboarding. Plus, we're doing it ouside. That's a triple entendre there bro!"


Friday, October 23, 2009

Brooklyn Banks... Death Row

So the Brooklyn Banks is closing in December apparently...  When I first heard about this I sort of wrote it off thinking, nobody could take this spot away!  But it's happening, so that the brooklyn bridge can be beautified, or gentrified, or modified, it's pretty shitty.  The city needs space, and generally nobody cares about skateboarders, so lets take their place!  They should take that dumb tai chi matt or whatever the hell it is up top.

There has been a lot of history at the banks, but none important to the city.  And again more quotes from douche-bags who think they understand skateboarders and their "Rebel" image.  

"The Downtown Express reports that Una Perkins, a board member, said she was worried that the unsupervised teens were running across the Brooklyn Bridge ramps and could get hurt and John Fratta, chairperson of the board’s Seaport/Civic Center Committee, added the skateboarders were “way out of control.”"

Yup, those damn skateboarders running around on the bridge on ramps... definately out of control!!

Idiots should know the on-ramp ollie section of the bridge was closed LONG ago.  That doesn't even happen anymore!

Health Care Reform


Gotta love Saber...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Artful Skateboarding

For real, this, is some artsy shit.  Thanks DVS. 
check out the obstacles, very sculptural and very cool.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sexy ladies

Every once in a while... you just need to draw one.  An homage to creepy over sexed sci-fi/anime/comic book drawings.

Tricycle drawing

No name for this yet, but this is my vehicle in traffic.  I'm trying to get everything dialed in for my next model right now.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

100 Posts, and a tricycle.

This is the 100th post of Kinesis, bitchin!

on another note, this is the current progress of my motorcycle concept for my transportation class!  It's a leaning tricycle, which will obviously be much wider than a 2 wheeled cycle, but will ultimately be more stable.