If you pay attention to anything written on walls in New York, you'll notice RD... This article in Gradient Magazine is pretty amazing. This dude sounds straight up cold blooded, and like an honest criminal. Now maybe he's living and operating at the expense of others... but maybe he is just living/ has lived outside "the system" and is acting in true rebellion from our society.
Aside from that bullshit he really knows his shit about graffiti:
"...but as satisfying as a complex piece with interconnected letters, three-dimensional effects and the other bells and whistles might be, the real thrill comes from the mere act of getting away with breaking the law. “You got all these guys, they squash beef with everyone. It’s like Gandhi or something. Why you gonna write? If everything’s all gravy and you’re doing legal stuff, that’s not writing anymore. At that point you’re a muralist; you’re an artist, not a graffiti writer.”
Check the article out, it's kind of amazing how much of a criminal this dude actually is... And him wearing that suit and tie... He blends right in, master of disguise!
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