did a quick color study over a side view I drew of my Trike. It's still in process and I need to tighten some things up..
this is one of the first drawings I've ever done without the aid of lines over top, which is a pretty big step for me when it comes to really understanding how to deal with color.
Compare to my most recent Model
color is a tough beast to tame. im still failing at it. this is definitely impressive for a first try tackling it without lines.
i came across this video by Marco Bucci a few days ago. i thought it was pretty insightful. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPz8Xyt3z-w&feature=player_embedded
Wow, that's a great video. The photoshop paintings you've done all seem to be handling color really well, I really dig that sense of atmosphere you have in many of them.
but I guess more practice is the key, I really dig all of the brushes Marco used too!
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